
Brampton Biosphere Eco-City (BBEC)
A Biosphere Eco-City (BEC)
A Biosphere Eco-City is an urban area and surrounding countryside where people and organizations cooperate to achieve sustainability. They work to create an ecological city where activities contribute to the health of the Biosphere (Sphere of Life).
The BEC Approach
Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) activities engage people to create a culture of sustainability in their community and city. BEC teams use a framework of 10 Themes which divide sustainability into action areas. BEC teams also may use Tools, which are proven methods of engagement. When people are engaged, the culture will change, and this will prompt everyone to follow a path towards sustainability.

Our Mission
Achievable a sustainable Brampton built on engagement, urban-rural coordination, and cooperation for positive change.

Join Us for a Sustainable Brampton
Whether you are an individual passionate about making a difference, a community group looking to make a difference, or a business wanting to contribute to sustainability, there is a place for you in the Brampton Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) initiative. Contact us [link to contact page] to share your ideas, your interests, and your availability to work with others for sustainability.
Ready to Make an Impact?
Contribute your time and effort to meaningful projects.
Support BEC activities as a project partner, or by networking and promoting BEC projects.
Provide advice to BEC teams to help them identify opportunities and develop effective projects.
When a BEC activity addresses your community or interests, take part, innovate, and help develop sustainable solutions.
Developing Brampton’s Database of Sustainability Projects
Volunteers are creating short summaries of sustainability projects in and around Brampton. This will allow you to learn what is already happening in your city and contact project owners for more information, if desired. This accessible database will be organized according to the 10 Themes of Sustainability so you can easily focus on what interests you most (energy, habitat, food, health, waste etc.). To learn about this database [click here] [this goes to the project page]
[Hasti could provide a picture from one of the approved projects to go to the left of the text]
BRAMPTON YES (Youth Environmental Sustainability) Contest
A team of volunteers is designing an environmental speaking contest for high school students for April 2025. Preparation work will be underway until then. To learn about this contest [click here] [this goes to the project page]
Get engaged in Brampton Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) activities.
We welcome participants in BEC projects, volunteer members, and your their ideas.
To know more of join a Brampton BEC team, please visit our contact page [link]
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