Three BEC Principles

  1. One Focus – Human Interaction with the Environment

BEC addresses people and the environment together. How can harmony between the two be achieved? BEC has no social or political agenda. Just an essential focus on engaging people in a culture of sustainability, for a unified human-environmental system.

Photo: Hakan Hu on Pexels

2. One Table to Welcome Everyone

BEC welcomes everyone to its forums. It does not have criteria for who should attend. Participation is democratic and ideas are freely given. There is no lobbying for certain points of view. People may have different beliefs, but in a BEC discussion they find areas in which they can cooperate and address issues of sustainability together.

Photo: Cristina Morilla on Pexels

3. Urban-Rural Cooperation

A Biosphere Eco-City is a functional region with constant flows of resources between urban and rural areas. The rural areas provide resources such as building materials and food to the urban areas, and may in return receive pollution and waste. How can negative flows to rural areas be reduced and replaced with positive ones? Increasing flows of investment and communication would help. As the urban area grows, interaction remains dynamic. BEC promotes urban-rural coordination to balance urban-rural benefits. Both areas can achieve sustainability together.

Photo: J. Birtch

NOTE: This pages comes from the BEC national website